Food Stall
Since Ollie started the business in 2016 we have been travelling all over the country visiting market after market and festival after festival. Our aim is to create a high quality fast food movement for partygoers and foodies alike. RaviOllie was born from a love of quality specialist food and we will never compromise on that.
Come and find our stall and see how high quality, tasty and fast street food really can be.

Private Events
As well as the big festivals and events that we do we also have lot of experience and love doing individual private events no matter the size. Part of the fun of running a specialist small business like RaviOllie is coming up with the perfect bespoke menu for you and your event.
We love playing around with new flavours with every new season and always welcome new challenges. Simply get in touch, pick from our list of fillings, sides and sauces or talk to our chef about the type of food you are after for your party and leave the rest to us.
When the pandemic struck, RaviOllie's commitment to community support intensified. They partnered with NHS hospitals and charities on the frontlines of the crisis, providing ravioli to healthcare workers and those struggling with food poverty. This unwavering dedication to helping others solidified RaviOllie's position as a socially responsible enterprise.